How we're forging ahead in 2023

Posted by Lilian on Sun January 29, 2023.

At our AGM on 28 January, we shared our goals and the items we're targeting for donations with our team of volunteers. Here's an overview of what that looks like.

Our Goals for 2023

  • Strengthen lesson plans (each tuition class should include at least 15-20 minutes of reading)
  • Work towards registering as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) once tax research has been completed 
  • Train new members, volunteers, sub-leads, and existing regular volunteers
  • Secure more parent consent forms and indemnity forms for all children that attend TBTF
  • Recruit qualified teachers and industry professionals and where possible register them as consulting members of TBTF
  • Engage local schools (particularly the schools that children at TBTF attend)
  • Network with industry professionals, and other NPOs in order to broaden our knowledge and drive our NPO forward
  • Research and seek out property that can possibly be purchased for TBTF to develop

Areas that we will be targeting for Donations in 2023

1. Transportation
We have added a 15-seater minibus taxi to our donation list so that we can set up a safer way to transport all children to and from TBTF classes. A regular member of our team of volunteers is already in possession of a PrDP license, this means we already have a designated driver in the event that we acquire this required transport resource. We would also equip and assign 1-2 volunteers as a means of safety and crowd control in the minibus when transporting children.

2. Storage
With an increase in resources, we require robust means of storage. We currently store all TBTF resources at our temporary operating location within steel (locked) cupboards. For 2023 we have added x2 steel cupboards (1800 mm (h) x 900 mm (w) x 450 mm (d)) to our donation list so that we can increase our capacity to safely store more incoming resources.

3. Educational Resources
One of our four programs is the Literacy program.  For our literacy program, we require educational reading books, which we integrate into our Saturday lessons to help improve the literacy levels of children that attend TBTF. We require educational books, reading books, new Department of Basic Education (DBE) books, and textbooks (grade R - matric) to assist us with achieving our literacy program goals. 

4. Music Instruments
Another program within TBTF is the Music and Dance program. We aim to create the space for them to explore their existing talents as well as learn or embrace something new; for this second-hand instruments such as; acoustic guitar(s), piano(s), drum(s), bass guitar(s) and other musical instruments would help us create a platform for children and youth at TBTF to explore their talents, or tap into new ones. 

5. Arts and Crafts Supplies
An enjoyable part of Saturday lessons is arts and crafts. For this, we require supplies like aprons (children aged 5-18 years), glue, play dough, molding clay, newspaper, wood glue, ice cream sticks, cardboard, and colour paper. These supplies would be used for our craft sessions on Saturdays.

6. Computer Hardware & Software
As a part of our Computer program, our objective is to make resources available to decrease the digital divide and afford children and youth the equitable opportunity to learn through different digital mediums. For this, we require at least 15-20 laptops/computers. For younger children, we aim to allow them time to learn through interactive educational online games, and for older children and unemployed youth we aim to teach the basics of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, email etc.

Small or large, your input will certainly make a positive impact on achieving our goals.

Please reach out to us directly if you would like to:

  • share guidance, information, or resources to assist us with achieving our goals mentioned above
  • connect us with industry professionals that can assist us with either CSR funding opportunities or advice/crucial information for obtaining funding

You are also welcome to make a monetary donation towards the initiative, you can view our Bank Details here.

Further Reading

Spotlight on OW Cares Club

As the year draws to a close, we're shifting the spotlight on OW Cares Club a recent Take Back the Future (TBTF) sponsor, that donated a wide variety of educational resources.

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